
Kit Colrepox Primer 1450

Formulation designed with excellent adhesion to concrete due to moisture´s osmotic pressure within concrete. It acts as primer in concrete tanks and/or containers that are buried in humid or saturated environments, and as coating on concrete surfaces where materials such as wood are to be installed and the action of humidity must be prevented.

This system is ideal as a “first” vapor barrier (moisture barrier) on concrete floors that have not reached their 28-day cure. * As a primer in concrete tanks and/or buried containers located in humid or saturated environments.

  • As a coating on concrete surfaces where materials such as wood will be installed and the action of moisture is to be prevented.
  • As a coating on wet or saturated concrete surfaces, before the application of other coatings..
  • It has excellent adhesion to concrete even where humidity exceeds 90%.
  • Low viscosity and good penetration into the substrate
  • Ideal for concrete and systems with humidity saturation

Kits of 27.2 Kg mixture (Resin + Hardener)

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