Iguala el PH de la lágrima sana siendo BIO COMPATIBLE (1).
Contiene Hialuronato de Sodio, lubricante natural presente en el cuerpo que permite 20 horas de humectacion (2).
Mantiene activas ciertas proteínas benéficas de la lagrima sana (3).
Doble poder desinfectante (PAPB + PQ1) eliminando los microorganismos en 4 horas (4).
1. C.A. Scheuer et al. Retention of conditioning agent hyaluronan on hydrogel contact lenses. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 33S (2010) S2–S 2. David M. Lehmann et al. Nonclinical safety evaluation of boric acid and a novel borate-buffered contact lens multi-purpose solution, BiotrueTM multi-purpose solution. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 33S (2010) S24–S32.. 3. Barniak VL, Burke S, Venkatesh S Comparative evaluation of multi-purpose solution in the stabilization of tear lysozyme Contact Lens & Anterior Eye 33S (2010)S7-S11 4. Data on file Bausch and Lomb. Results of in vitro study following FDA/ISO stand-alone procedure for disinfecting products
- Manufacturer Bausch + Lomb
- Presentations 60 ml, 120 ml, 300 ml (Includes lens case)
- Invima Registration 2021DM-0006880-R1