Soil conditioners

Black Diamond Granulado

Granulated solid organic amendment with a high content of biologically active humic and fulvic acids, obtained from the natural extraction of leonardite.

Presentations: 25 Kg

ICA Registration 10796

  • Improves the structure of the soil and increases its moisture retention capacity.
  • Increases the Cation Exchange Capacity.
  • It improves the availability of nutrients and reduces losses by leaching, mainly nitrates.
  • It acts as a natural chelate for micro elements in soils and increases its availability to plants and improves microbial activity.
  • Decreases the amount of residues of toxic substances in soils.
  • When mixed with traditional granular fertilizers, it increases the efficiency of nutrient uptake by the plant.
  • Total oxidizable organic carbon 32,0%
  • Carbon from total humic extract 20,8%
  • Humic Acid Carbon 17,7%
  • Fulvic acid carbon 3,1%
  • Cation exchange capacity 149,64 meq/100g
  • Total sodium 0,84%
  • Maximum humidity 20,0%

Black Diamond increases the buffer-pH capacity of the soil, maintaining optimal reactivity conditions for life in soils, thus promoting the increase of beneficial microorganisms.

Black Diamond increases the activity of catalytic enzymes responsible for the transformation and disposal of organic matter in the soil.

Black Diamond improves the soil structure by influencing the water-air relationship in the rhizosphere.
